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2009 Courses

Mar ’09

Words, Pictures, Story!

This highly interactive workshop ensures that participants will have the opportunity to explore the Words, Picture, Story! (WPS) writing templates and achieve a hands-on and active understanding of WPS. Details
Mar ’09

How to Set up A Reading Programme in School

The introductory part of the workshop will focus on processes involved in proficient reading. Following this, a description will be given of a reading programme in a local Singapore Primary School implemented with the aim of developing readers. The final part of the workshop will focus on a central part of the programme namely, the various techniques that was used to develop students’ interest in books. Details
Apr ’09

Contract Rights in the Publishing Industry

This workshop will introduce participants to the basics of contract law. Participants will also learn to understand and identify the different rights that exist in publishing and the relevant clauses in publishing contracts. Details
May ’09

Editing Essentials

In this workshop, editorial novices and veterans pit their wits against a comprehensive test of editorial competence set at international levels and incorporating features of tests set by publishing houses and media firms. Details
May ’09

The Business of Publishing for Editors

This two-day workshop is primarily for experienced editors looking to develop their skills for managerial roles in the publishing industry. The objective is advancement from the process of publishing to the business of publishing and coverage includes roles in publishing services management; acquisitions and list management; publishing programme development; and, general management. Details
Jun ’09

How to Freelance & Article Writing

Learn effective methods for selling magazine and newspaper articles, and how to craft compelling feature articles from a professional freelancer and writer. Details
Jun ’09

Writing, Publishing & Promoting Your Book

To be an author, you naturally have got to write a book. Yet writing a book is often the most daunting stage. At this session, you’ll learn a step-by-step organisation plan for nonfiction book writing. Details
Oct ’09

Legal Issues in e-Publishing

This half-day workshop will introduce participants to the intellectual property and contractual legal issues that commonly arise in the field of e-publishing. Details
Nov ’09

The Art of Story

Throughout the course we will cover writer's motives for telling great stories, plus other more practical issues like how to achieve the writer's mindset, and the use of templates for the effective planning and execution of your stories. Details