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2012 Courses

Feb ’12

Multi-channel Publishing & Innovative e-Publishing

This workshop is targeted at those responsible for making the decisions about how products are to be developed and
delivered to their markets. It will cover recent trends in publishing, new models and new technologies, and provide
background knowledge that can be immediately used to guide an organisation in new directions. From technology point of
view, it will discuss options and possibilities without diving into implementation details. Details
Feb ’12

Behaviours of Users of e-Publishing

Today’s content consumers are voracious omnivores. They want everything from print to Tweets to iPhone apps. Yet traditional content publishers are often dealing with production processes rooted in print practices that may be 10 to 40 years old. How can publishers prepare their company and their content for a more flexible and certain future? Details
Feb ’12

Strategies for Teaching Narrative Writing

This workshop is specifically designed for teachers who have not attended our other writing workshops - Writing 101: Writing a Good Composition and Writing 102: Building Better Plots - and want a crash course on strategies to teach narrative writing. Details
Mar ’12

Copyright and Contracts in the Publishing Industry

This workshop will introduce participants to the basics of contract law. Participants will learn to understand and identify the different rights that exist in publishing and the relevant clauses in publishing contracts. This workshop will also cover the Copyright in the Online World. Details
May ’12

Writing for Children (in Tamil)

This workshop is for beginners who wish to write for children. It will focus on how to develop writing skills. It will also highlight the art of creating stories and show how general information books and books on Science and History can be developed into adventure stories that children love to read. Details
May ’12

Empower Your Story (in Malay)

Writers should think of how their stories can enhance the audience’s creativity and be converted into new media and other platforms such as performances, animations, dramatisations, films, puppetry, etc. Details
May ’12

Illustrating Picture Books (in Malay)

In this hands-on workshop, participants will learn the process of making a children’s picture book. Participants will be guided to produce a simple picture book from storyboard to dummy. The trainer will then comments and provide feedback on each picture book dummy. Details
Jun ’12

Writing Your Memoir

Whether you want to record your memoir for your grandchildren or the public, this workshop will show you how to write it in a readable and an entertaining way so that others will find it interesting too. Details
Jul ’12

Reading Aloud (to Children)

The workshop aims to help parents and other adults learn why and how to read aloud to children of all ages. By reading aloud to children, we can help to improve children’s reading skills, build their knowledge and increase their love for reading. At the same time, we forge bonds with the children. Details
Aug ’12

Structural Editing of Non-Fiction

The editor–author relationship is always advanced and enhanced when we, as professional, skilled editors, practice our skills and learn new ones. Whether you’re working on paper or on screen, this training will give you the skills to work effectively with your authors, to analyse a piece of text, find the most effective shape for it (structure and flow) and then, finesse each sentence so the whole piece shines. Details
Oct ’12


If you want to write a memorable and moving story about a special person in your life, this workshop is for you! Local writer Katherine Seow, author of ‘Seven generations and counting’ will teach you how to make this special person come alive in your very own words. This workshop will focus on honing your skills in seeing, listening, writing and sharing what you’re written to become a better memoir writer! Details
Oct ’12


This workshop conducted by Professor Shirley Geok-lin Lim will focus on Singapore English-language literature in historical and sociological contexts, with a concentration on contemporary writing; and including strategies for teaching expressive writing, academic writing and critical thinking skills alongside texts. Details
Nov ’12

Developing Bilingual Picture Books

This workshop is ideal for writers who want to understand how to develop plot and language to create an unforgettable story for young readers aged 0 to 6. Both Bilingual and monolingual writers will benefit from all aspects of the workshop. Participants need not have a background in illustration. Details
Dec ’12

Writing Workshop Catalyst: Releasing New Writing

Relax! Catalyst is here to inspire you! Established local theatre actor, director and writer Verena Tay will help you perceive the world around you and the objects that surround you in a new fashion so as to fuel your creativity and give impetus to new writing. Whether you are a new or seasoned writer, Catalyst will stimulate your senses and spur you to write text infused with unexpected textures to grab the imagination of your readers. Details