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Trainers & Speakers

Li Yuyao

Li Yuyao

李玉瑶,上海译文出版社《外国文艺》(Foreign Literature and Art)执行主编,上海翻译家协会理事。编辑出版过菲利普・罗斯(Philip Roth)、理查德・耶茨(Richard Yates)等作家的作品,译作有《传家之物》(Family Furnishings,by Alice Munro)《快乐影子之舞》(Dance of the Happy Shades,by Alice Munro)《岛上书店》(The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry,by Gabrielle Zevin)《房间》(Room,by Emma Donoghue)《玛格丽特小镇》(Margarettown,by Gabrielle Zevin)《与狼共舞》(Dances with Wolves,by Michael Blake)《激情》(The Passion,by Jeanette Winterson)等二十余部。

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