Past Translation Courses
Aug ’10
Approaches to Teaching Singapore Anglophone Literature
This workshop offers a survey of some of the major representations of Singapore, ranging from works produced at the historical moment of its inception as a territory to contemporary writers’ expressions of individual and collective identity and experiences unique and particular to Singapore society and culture. Details
Feb ’10
The Internet as a Tool in Education
This workshop aims to explore the development of these technologies with a view to helping educators to realise the potential of the Internet to deliver better education and learning experiences. The workshop will also feature some of the information literacy skills needed by a 21st century learner. Details
Mar ’09
How to Set up A Reading Programme in School
The introductory part of the workshop will focus on processes involved in proficient reading. Following this, a description will be given of a reading programme in a local Singapore Primary School implemented with the aim of developing readers. The final part of the workshop will focus on a central part of the programme namely, the various techniques that was used to develop students’ interest in books. Details
May ’08
Cooperative Learning and Reading Aloud by Teachers
This workshop also reviews basic ideas as to how teachers should read aloud to students. Then, various cooperative learning techniques are presented that can beused as part of a session in which teachers read aloud to their students. Details
Apr ’08
Cooperative Learning and Extensive Reading
There are strong, widely disseminated evidence supporting Extensive Reading (ER). Research suggests that ER is precisely the prescription for attaining high scores on reading exams. However, implementation has been infrequent and often less than a success due to problems such as lack of reading materials, and inadequate attention given by teachers as they often face a great deal of pressure to finish the syllabus - to do every single activity on every single page of the textbook or workbook. This workshop aims to prepare teachers with ways for students to motivate each other to read more. Details
Mar ’08
Language Learning Strategies
Language Learning Strategies for Emerging Readers/Writers with Autism and/or Language Processing Difficulties Details
Aug ’06
Romancing Singapore: From Tropic to Global
This introductory workshop will focus on Singapore through poems, stories, novels, and plays as a tropical island, exotic locale, romantic East, social struggle, dystopic settlement, as city, home and globe. Details
May ’06