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Past Writing / Illustration Courses

Apr ’15

Characters through action

The workshop is aimed at helping writers understand and refine how they depict characters particularly through the use of action. Details
Jan ’15

Appreciating contemporary poetry

Learn about the sense, structure and recurrent themes in contemporary poetry which will give you the necessary tools to appreciate and write it. Details
Nov ’14

Flash fiction writing

Learn exercises to hone your skills in writing flash fiction which can run anywhere between 6 to 600 words! Details
Jun ’14

Fiction Writing (advanced level)

The Advanced Fiction workshop aims to help writers who already have a grasp of the basics of writing fiction further perfect and develop their craft. Details
Apr ’14

Structuring Stories for Picture Books

In this workshop for adults, learn strategies to support young children in creating a picture book. Learn the 5Ws necessary for the storyboard and the story stages to produce your very own picture book. Details